Tuesday, March 5, 2019



The female housefly usually mates only once and stores the sperm for later use. She lays batches of about 100 eggs on decaying organic matter such as food waste, carrion, or faeces. These soon hatch into legless white larvae, known as maggots. After 2 to 5 days of development, these metamorphose  into reddish-brown pupae, about 8 mm (0.3 in) long. Adult flies normally live for 2 to 4 weeks.

Biology Questions

Biology Questions - 20

1. How many legs does a spider have?

2. How many pairs of wings does a bee have?

3. What is the tallest animal in the world?

4. Groups of elephants are known as what?

5. What is the largest type of ‘big cat’ in the world?

6. Which is the smallest living bird?

7. How many legs do insects have?

8. What do carnivores eat?

9. How many meters in length can a reticulated python become?

10. What is the world’s longest poisonous snake?

11. How many baby kangaroos are usually born at a time to a single mother?

12. What is the largest animal hunted by the leopard?

13. Which continent are cobras native?

14. What is another name for the Australian kingfisher?

15. What is a group of bats called?

16. What is the name for the wild dog of Australia?

17. What kind of animal is a Komodo dragon?

18. How many legs does a lobster have?

19. Which is the largest mammal in the world?

20. How many humps does a bactrian camel have?

Answer :

1. Eight
2. Two
3. Giraffe
4. Heard
5. Tiger
6. Bee hummingbird
7. Six
8. Meat
9. Ten
10. King cobra
11. One
12. Giraffe
13. Asia
14. Kookaburra
15. Colony
16. Dingo
17. Lizard
18. Ten
19. Blue whale
20. Two