Photo :- google
The Venus flytrap is one of a very small group of plants capable of rapid movement. The Venus flytrap is a small plant whose structure can be described as a rosette of four to seven leaves, which arise from a short subterranean stem that is actually a bulb-like object. Each stem reaches a maximum size of about three to ten centimeters, depending on the time of year.
Are Venus fly traps dangerous to humans ?
The Venus flytrap won't be able to harm you, but you will be harming it. Venus flytrap plants can't eat anything much bigger than a housefly and mostly they eat mosquitoes and gnats. If you put the tip of your finger in the flytrap's bug eating mouth, it will quickly snap shut, but it won't hurt at all.
Most carnivorous plants selectively feed on specific prey. This selection is due to the available prey and the type of trap used by the organism. With the Venus flytrap, prey is limited to beetles, spiders and other crawling arthropods.
The plants will live for 20 to 30 years if cultivated in the right conditions. Unnecessarily triggering the trap will only result in the plant's premature death.
If you notice that a trap isn't closing when triggered, it is possible that it has eaten recently, or is running out of energy and nearing the end of its lifetime.
If you notice that a trap isn't closing when triggered, it is possible that it has eaten recently, or is running out of energy and nearing the end of its lifetime.