Sunday, November 18, 2018



Nutrition Stats

105 calories

27g carbohydrates

1g protein

<1g total fat

0g saturated fat

3g fiber

14g sugar

422mg potassium (12% DV)

32mg magnesium (8% DV)

10.3mg vitamin C (17% DV)

0.433mg vitamin B6 (20% DV)

Health Benefits of Bananas

All those vitamins and nutrients can do major good for your body and mind. You're snacking toward these benefits every time you eat one:

Lower blood pressure: The potassium and magnesium in bananas can help decrease this almighty number.
A healthier heart: The blood pressure-lowering effects in turn reduce your risk of heart disease.
Stronger bones: Potassium has been found to protect against osteoporosis, and magnesium plays a part in bone formation.
Better digestion: Bananas provide about 12% of your daily fiber needs, promoting regularity.
A sharper mind: The vitamin B6 in bananas may help prevent cognitive decline and reduce mood-related symptoms of PMS.

* Bananas float in water because they are less dense in comparison.

* Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the American diet.

* Bananas grow on plants that are officially considered an herb.

* The banana is actually classified as a berry.

* Bananas may be considered a mood enhancer because it contains the amino acid, tryptophan and Vitamin B6 that helps the body produce serotonin.

* The bananas we eat today, the Cavendish, are different from pre-1960s’ bananas, the Gros Michael, as those have been wiped out by “the panama disease.”

* Bananas can help lower blood pressure and protect heart health due to high potassium and low salt content.

* The inside of a banana peel can help relieve itching and inflammation, such as from bug bit or poison ivy.

* Bananas are great pre-workout snacks because they are loaded with potassium that aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function during work outs.

* Humans share about 50% of our DNA with bananas.

Banana Items :-

Fried Banana

Banana Ice Cream

Barbecued Bananas

Banana Milk Shake

Banana Chips

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