Thursday, April 18, 2019

Oxygen tank

Oxygen tank

An oxygen tank is an oxygen storage vessel, which is either held under pressure in gas cylinders.

The vast majority of divers breathe air or nitrox stored in a diving cylinder. A small minority breathe trimix, heliox or other exotic gases. Some of these may carry pure oxygen for accelerated decompression or as a component of a rebreather. Some shallow divers, particularly naval divers, use oxygen rebreathers.

* Oxygen cylinders have black body with a white top

* Nitrous oxide cylinders are completely blue

* Entonox cylinders have a blue body with a top divided into quarters alternating blue and white

* Medical air has a grey body with a white and black top

* Carbon dioxide is grey with a black stripe on the body


1. explosion
2. oxygen toxicity
3. barotrauma (must use a regulator)
4. trauma from dropping the cylinder on someone!

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